EXCLUSIVE: Chinese Communist Party-Tied Group To Run Midterm “Election Observer” Program In Swing States

Published on: August 16, 2023

The Carter Center will deploy “nonpartisan election observers” in Fulton County, Georgia for the upcoming midterms The group is also combatting election “misinformation” in states including Arizona, insisting there is “no evidence of fraud” It has a long track record of working with Chinese Communist Party-funded influence groups The Carter Center is partnered with the Chinese Communist Party on election oversight in China Other prominent partners of the Carter Center include Pfizer Inc., The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and George Soros’s Open Society Foundation THE CARTER CENTER, which is partnered with several Chinese Communist Party-funded foreign influence groups, is dispatching “nonpartisan” election observers and sponsoring initiatives to combat election “misinformation” for the Nov. 8 midterms, War Room can reveal. The center, founded by its namesake, former president Jimmy Carter, has also signed agreements with the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) Ministry of Civil Affairs to cooperate on administering elections in China and has invited CCP officials overseas to observe elections in the U.S. The Carter Center’s ample ties to Beijing have been repeatedly flagged by U.S. lawmakers, as it has worked with several groups operating under China’s “United Front.” A multi-billion-dollar political warfare operation, the United Front has been described by former CCP Chairman Mao Zedong as a “magic weapon” to ensure communism’s victory over democracy. American officials have also identified the effort as working to “co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition” and “influence foreign governments to take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing.” ELECTION WARFARE While maintaining these compromising ties, one of the primary operations of the Carter Center has been conducting “election observation” missions for over 100 elections across 39 countries. Since 2020, it has pledged to carry out similar operations in the U.S. “The Carter Center has been working to support elections at home by providing objective information about the election process and advancing good practices in transparency,” outlines the center before noting “our efforts have expanded in 2022 and will continue to grow in the run-up to 2024.” Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Florida, and North Carolina are the primary states of interest for the Carter Center. For example, the Carter Center was recently selected by Georgia’s Fulton County Board of Elections and the Performance Review Board to send “nonpartisan election observers” to oversee the upcoming Nov. 8 midterms. Fulton County, which includes the city of Atlanta, was reportedly a hotbed of voter fraud during the 2020 election. The Carter Center will be responsible for “absentee ballot issuance and processing; early voting and election day polling places; election day operations in the elections office; and post-election procedures” in the controversial county, according to a press release. The Carter Center’s unearthed efforts to influence the upcoming midterm elections follow the group playing a leading role in monitoring the audit of Georgia’s election results in 2020. In 2020, the center worked on an election security task force for Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office as the sole “nonpartisan” observer for the audit. The Carter Center is also conducting operations in Arizona, recently launching the Arizona Democracy Resilience Network to suppress discussion of voter fraud among candidates and combat election “misinformation.” Among the group’s demands are that candidates “cooperate with elections officials” and “avoid spreading falsehoods.” “When you have candidates talking about fraud when there’s really been no evidence of fraud and fraud before an election is even held, it presents the kind of atmosphere out there that can lead to things down the road that you just don’t want to see happen,” explained Arizona Democracy Resilience Network co-director Don Henninger. The Arizona Democracy Resilience Network has identified Maricopa and Pima counties as its primary targets, both of which were believed to have been plagued with extensive voter fraud during the 2020 election. In an effort to boost confidence in the security of Arizona’s elections, which will be administered by Democratic gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs, the Carter Center’s group is sponsoring statewide events such as “Follow the Ballot: Be Confident Your Vote Is Counted” to undercut claims of voter fraud. In addition to its Arizona and Georgia operations, the Carter Center is also behind the North Carolina Network for Fair, Safe, and Secure Elections, which is sponsoring a state-wide “Trusted Elections” tour. The group is also set to launch a similar campaign in Florida and has pledged to deploy “non-partisan election observers” in Michigan. CCP SELLOUTS The Carter Center’s newfound interest in influencing American elections, however, follows decades of collaboration with the CCP and its foreign influence operations conducted through “United Front” groups. Since 2012, the Carter Center has worked alongside the China United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), which was founded by the Vice-Chairman of the United Front’s oversight department. CUSEF has previously sponsored trips to China for American journalists and former congressmen in exchange for “favorable coverage,” as revealed by Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) filings. The Carter Center, which has accepted funds from CUSEF, has sponsored a host of dialogues and events with the controversial group, providing a platform to argue fo increasing ties between America and the CCP. The center also retains links to the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, which has been dubbed the “public face” of the United Front and flagged by the U.S. State Department for its campaigns to “directly and malignly influence” American officials. Other United Front groups that the Carter Center has collaborated with include the Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament, the Center for China and Globalization, and the U.S.-China Heartland Association, which explicitly targets American farmers and farmland. The Carter Center has also hosted events alongside the China Research Center (CRC), which is financially supported by Confucius Institutes. Confucius Institutes have been described by Chinese government officials as “an important part of China’s overseas propaganda set-up” and are notoriously rife with intellectual property theft and espionage. FOREIGN ELECTION INTERFERENCE? The Carter Center’s ties to the CCP run deeper, as it signed a memorandum of understanding with the regime’s Ministry of Civil Affairs in 1998 to collaborate on various election matters in China at the village and township level. The Carter Center, which was the first foreign organization allowed to observe elections above the village level in China, has published extensive reports on the CCP’s elections, routinely failing to offer any harsh criticism of the regime’s electoral manipulation and intimidation. “In those villages which we saw and heard about, the basic norms of a democratic election have been conveyed and are being implemented,” explained one report. Under the memorandum, the Carter Center worked with the CCP’s Ministry of Civil Affairs “to set up a computer network system for election data gathering; to standardize electoral procedures; to design and organize training sessions of election officials; and to promote exchanges between China and the United States on election observations and researches on election-related topics,” according to a synopsis of the agreement. “All Carter Center programming is done in consultation with Chinese government agencies and designed to deepen reform measures on the government agenda,” it adds. The memorandum also led to the Carter Center hosting delegations of CCP officials visiting the U.S. to observe elections in 1998, 2000, 2002, and 2006. Déjà Vu Blue? Beyond its Chinese Communist Party ties, the group’s expansion into American elections has been met with considerable pushback due to its apparent left-wing political bias. Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, attacked President Donald Trump ahead of the 2020 election, insisting four more years of his presidency would be a “disaster.” Other partners of the Carter Center include Pfizer Inc., George Soros’s Open Society Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the World Health Organization. The news also follows controversy over hundreds of millions of dollars flowing from left-wing donors, most notably Mark Zuckerberg, into activist groups exploiting vote-by-mail. Natalie Winters is co-host and executive editor at WarRoom.org.

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Source: War Room